Did you know that contrary to popular belief, cigarette sales in the U.S.peak during the summer months? While there have only been a few studies focusing on the influence of seasonality on smoking behavior, research suggests that there are “several factors contributing to the effect of seasonality on cigarette consumption” including weather conditions, summer vacation, timing of cessation efforts, and smoking restriction…
category: nursing ce webinar
Jul 2012
The Power of the Mind July 2012
Dear Fellow Nurse, As July 4th approaches, I am reminded of a surprising story about Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Strikingly, these founding fathers both died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1826! Herbert Benson, MD, a world-renowned leader in mind-body medicine shared this remarkable story during a training program to illustrate…
May 2012
Nurses’ Health Study Findings May 2012
Dear Fellow Nurse, Did you know that thanks to over 235,000 female nurses we have gained a greater understanding of the factors that influence women’s health? The Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), which began in 1976 and was expanded (NHS II) in 1989, collects data from dedicated nurse–participants about disease, hormone use, menopause status and lifestyle factors. Amazingly, response rates to…
Apr 2012
Spring Cleaning for Body & Mind April 2012
Dear Fellow Nurse, When my friend Jean was going through a difficult time, Barbara, a mutual friend said to her, “Just as a few spring showers and warm days bring the grass and flowers back to life after winter, with a bit of care and attention to your needs it won’t be long before you’re in a brighter place.” I…
Mar 2012
Think Green for Better Health March 2012
Dear Fellow Nurse, St. Patrick’s Day reminds me of two things – the color green and the expression, “Luck of the Irish.” Luck is an interesting concept. Is it luck that brings us health, happiness and prosperity? According to a 10-year scientific study, to a large extent, people make their own good and bad fortune. Psychologist Richard Wiseman found that lucky…
Feb 2012
The Comfort Food Booby Trap

(Courtesy of Ebruli via Flickr) In a recent study in Spain, researchers found that increased trans-fat intake significantly increases your chances of developing depression. They tracked 12,000 adults over 6 years. While none of the subjects had depression at the start of the study, over 650 did by the end. The participants who got 0.6% of their total calories from…
Feb 2012
Creating Positive Change February 2012

Dear Fellow Nurse, The women in this photo are fellow nurses who are interested in holistic nursing and meet monthly to study various healing modalities and to share experiences. At last month’s meeting, we harnessed the power of our mind to promote positive change in our life by creating “vision boards.” Some of us focused on healthy behaviors while others…
Nov 2011
Benefits of Gratitude November 2011
Dear Fellow Nurse, I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Thanksgiving is a nice reminder to pause and appreciate the many blessings that fill our life. Today, our challenge is to keep this sense of gratitude alive. With the holiday season fast upon us, feelings of gratitude and abundance can easily slip away and we can find ourselves in…
May 2011
Staying True to You May 2011
Dear Fellow Nurse, I once met a nurse who told me that her in-laws were ill. Being the nurse in the family, most of their care had fallen into her hands. She felt underappreciated, overwhelmed and exhausted. To help her through this challenge, she was going to a therapist. The previous week, her therapist asked her an interesting question: “If…
Apr 2011
Exercise: Every Step Counts April 2011
Dear Fellow Nurse, A study published in JAMA last year provided women with some discouraging news, suggesting women need to exercise 60 minutes a day to maintain a healthy weight. “Who has an hour a day to exercise?” asked several women in a weight-loss program that I was leading. Sadly, the general feeling expressed was “What’s the point in even…