category: positive attitude

The Impact of Maternal Stress on Infants

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have recently given us even more reason to take the effects of stress seriously. According to the newest results of a longitudinal population study, girls who are born into families with high levels of stress are more likely to suffer from anxiety and disruptions in brain function as teenagers. The study, published in the…

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When Times Get Tough

I must admit that it is so much easier for me to have a positive attitude when life is going well. But boy, can it be a slippery slope when things get tough! Over the past few months, I have been paying more attention to the way that I react when disappointments come up. My friend, Jen, has been an…

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The Power of the Mind July 2012

Dear Fellow Nurse, As July 4th approaches, I am reminded of a surprising story about Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Strikingly, these founding fathers both died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1826! Herbert Benson, MD, a world-renowned leader in mind-body medicine shared this remarkable story during a training program to illustrate…

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Promoting Positive Change Through Vision Boards

When I went to my first holistic nurses meeting a few months ago, I knew I had found a group of women I wanted to spend more time with. Kelly Sheehan, a nurse who works at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, started the group last year to bring together nurses who want to learn more about various healing modalities…

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Benefits of Gratitude November 2011

Dear Fellow Nurse, I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Thanksgiving is a nice reminder to pause and appreciate the many blessings that fill our life. Today, our challenge is to keep this sense of gratitude alive. With the holiday season fast upon us, feelings of gratitude and abundance can easily slip away and we can find ourselves in…

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Successful Behavior Change January 2011

Dear Fellow Nurse, Did you know that losing weight, exercising, and quitting smoking are among the most popular New Year’s resolutions? Even though many people don’t end up sticking to their plan, research shows that making resolutions is helpful. People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely than those who don’t set resolutions to attain their goals. As…

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Blessings or Burdens? November 2010

Dear Fellow Nurse, I was devastated when my hospital nursing career was cut short because of a severe allergy to latex. I had worked as a registered nurse at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston for 12 years when my allergist told me it was too risky to continue working in a clinical setting. To be honest, back in 1994,…

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