Dear Fellow Nurse,
I hope that your summer is off to a great start! Do you have plans to take some time off? I hope so!
Vacations can lower your blood pressure, boost your immune system and help you live longer. There’s even evidence that a stress-relieving vacation may make you smarter.
When you do take time off this summer, be sure to leave your cares behind. In a 2010 study in the Netherlands, researchers found that only people who felt very relaxed while they were away were happier than people who hadn’t taken a trip at all. Think of your vacation as an investment in your health and happiness!
In this newsletter we have highlighted newly released, summer-related health research and reports. You can help others, and yourself, prevent skin cancer, reap the health benefits of fresh produce, stay well hydrated and relax this summer season. We think you will find the information interesting and useful for staying up-to-date on these timely topics.
Wishing you a healthy summer,
Janet Fontana, RN, MA
Is your sunscreen effective?
Did you know that sunscreen makers can claim that their products are “broad spectrum” even if they do not protect from UVA radiation? Both UVA & UVB radiation can cause skin cancer, yet the SPF rating on sunscreen is based solely on protection from UVB radiation.
Good news: this month the FDA set new rules requiring “broad spectrum” sunscreens to be tested for a minimum standard of UVA protection by summer 2012.
Check the Consumer Report findings to see which sunscreens provide the best UVA and UVB protection.
Pesticides on Produce
Last month the USDA released its annual summary of pesticide residue found in foods. Apples, celery, strawberries, peaches and spinach are the top 5 on the Environmental Working Group’s ‘dirty dozen list.’ Unfortunately, the ominously named ‘dirty dozen’ can send the wrong message to the general public and scare people away from eating produce.
Experts agree that the many health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure. When buying produce for your family or when advising others, consider locally grown when possible and organics for produce that:
~ You eat most frequently
~ Is most likely to contain pesticide residue.
Coconut Water
Have you heard the buzz about coconut water? While there are many health claims for coconut water, more research is needed to support them. What we do know is that coconut water is an all-natural, low-calorie way to hydrate and add potassium to your diet – 569 mg in an average serving. That’s almost twice as much as a banana. For recreational athletes, plain water is just as good for re-hydrating without the cost or calories.
Bottom line: If you like the taste, coconut water is a low-calorie, nutritious way to add potassium to your diet and keep you well-hydrated.
Sway in a Hammock
Napping in a hammock is a summer pleasure, and Swiss neuroscientists say they know why. When people slept in a bed that swayed gently side to side, they fell asleep faster, slept deeper and had changes in brain activity associated with the ability to learn new information.
One day, this research may help stroke victims and people with sleep disorders.
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